About my music

Life is… joy, desparation, nostalgia, love, hapiness, anger, hope, sadeness, solitude, fun…Tango music talks about all those feelings and more. Dancing tango is a way to transform those emotions into artistic expression, creating perfect harmony between the three of us, music and partners.

As a DJ, I first love to research the true energy of every song, to articulate them into a tanda that will tell you a story.

When I play my selection, I like to lead you on a travel through your personal life experience, tanda after tanda, like day after day, emotion after emotion…

Tango is … joy, desparation, nostalgia, love, hapiness, anger, hope, sadeness, solitude, fun… Let’s dance !


Sound quality is one of my first concern. I use the MIxxx Dj program, work with a computer containing my collection in FLAC format ( lossless), all tangos coming from official records label (CD, Shellac, Vinyls) or from our own transfers. The computer connect to the mixtable with a sound card and good quality cables. In case of breakdown of my computer, a back up tablette is ready to read some playlist. During the set I always check the equalization to get the best balance between treble, medium and bass, and the sound level to get the best ambiance.

Tango biography

Bénédicte, alias DJ Bomboncito, is playing tango music since 2015.

At the end of last milenium, 25 years ago, she met tango and directly fall in love with it ! She learned dancing through regular lessons and many workshops in Europe with well-known maestros. During her trip in Buenos Aires , she concentrated on the classical milongas where she had the chance to be invited by some legends dancers like El Pibe Sarandi, Tete, Flaco Dany and more. Milonga lover, she organised several milonga workhops in Brussels with Ricardo Maceiras and Dany Garcia.

She is now travelling for 15 years in all events around Europe. With Jens-Ingo Brodesser, she organize  since 13 years the international tango event ‘La Cita de los Amigos’ in Belgium.  In love with music, she developped with  him ‘Tango Time Travel’, providing high quality digital transfers from restored original shellac and early vinyl records. The foundation of this project is their extensive collection covering repertoire from the whole history of Tango. https://tangotimetravel.be/

Beside tango life, she is Tv director and mother of a fantastic girl.

DJ Calendar



171/ 08.03.2025 Milonga Tango N'amor, Namur (BE)
172/ 14.03.2025 Milonga 'La Chapelle', BXL (BE)
171/ 11-13.04.2025 Corazon y Bolas TM, Diessen (NL)
173/ 24-27.04.2025 Balloon TM, Wuppertal (DE)
174/ 01-05.05.2025 Empathic TM, Dürres (ALB)
176/ 08-12.05.2025 Atlantico, Porto (PT)
177/ 21-23.06.2025 La Cita de los Amigos (BE)
178/ 27-29.06.2025 Garua (IR)
000/ 04-22.07.2025 Buenos Aires/Montevideo
179/ 24-28.07.2025 Bergen (NO)
180/ 09-11.08.2025 Las hormigas, Romainmoutier (CH)
181/ 03-05.10.2025 Noches de Ronda, Karlsruhe (DE)
182/ 17-19.10.2025 Kalkar (DE)

Previous dates :

170/ 01.02.2024 Private birthday party, BXL
169/ 27-12-2024 Long Los Locos, Amsterdam (NL)
168/ 13-15.12.2024 La Cita de los Amigos (BE)
167/ 24.11.2024 La Tangueria, Brussels (BE)
166/ 17.11.2024 Tango8, Koln (DE)
165/ 10-13.10.2024 Noche de Ronda, Karlsruhe (DE)
164/ 05.10.2024 Milonga La Loca, BXl (BE)
163/ 27-29.09.2024 Noche de Pasion, Regensburg (DE)
162/ 13.09.2024 Tango Embrace Slovenia (SI)
161/ 23-25.08.2024 Balloon TM, Stuttgart (DE)
160/ 05.05/8.2024 Tango Kö-bogen, Dusseldorf (DE)
159/ 28-30.06.2024 Big Fish TM, Mèze (FR)
158/ 20-24.06.2024 La Cita de Los Amigos, Spa (BE)
157/ 15.06.2024 Aspara milonga, Namur (BE)
156/ 19.05.2024 Tango 11, Amsterdam (NL)
155/ 26-28.04.2024 Balloon TM Wuppertal (DE)
154/ 19-21.04.2024 Long Weekend, Zurich (CH)
153/ 16-18.02.2024 Griseta, Montpellier(FR)
152/ 25-29.01.2024 Lalaland, Budapest (HU)
151/ 14.01.2024 La Tangueria, Bxl (BE)
150/ 13.01.2024 Aspara milonga, Namur (BE)
149/ 28.12.2023 Xmas in Embrace, Nivelles (BE)
148/ 27.12.2023 Long Los locos, Amsterdam (NL)
147/ 15-17.12.2023 La Cita de Los Amigos, BXl (BE)
146/ 13-15.10.2023 Tango Tage Halle Festival, (DE)
145/ 06-08.10.2023 Noches de Ronda, Karlsruhe (DE)
144/ 24.09.2023 La Tangueria (BE)
143/ 01-03.09.2023 Prague (CZ)
142/ 24-27.08.2023 Balloon TM, Stuttgart (DE)
141/ 04-06.08.2023 Las hormigas encuentro (CH)
140/ 10.07.2023 Kobogen, Dusseldorf (DE)
139/ 06+08.07.2023 Tango Postale,Toulouse (FR)
138/ 23-25.06.2023 La Cita de Los Amigos, Spa (BE)
137/ 10.06.2023 Milonga"Maison dupeuple",Brussels(BE)
136/ 5-7.05.2023 TM La cuerda, Frankfurt (DE)
135/ 28-30.04.2023 Les intanguptibles, Montpellier (FR)
134/ 10.04.2023 Long Los Locos,Amsterdam (NL)
133/ 06-10.04.2023 Brussels Tango Festival (BE)
132/ 12.03.2023 Milonga Tango 8, Koln (DE)
131/ 25.02.2022 Milonga Aux frontières, Mouscron (BE)
130/ 22.01.2022 Milonga 'Tango 11', Amsterdam (BE)
129/ 08.01.2022 Milonga 'La Tangueria', Brussels (BE)
128/ 17.12.2022 Milonga 'La Roca', Amersfort (NL)
127/ 28-30.10.22 La Cita de los Amigos, Bruxelles (BE)
126/ 21-23.10.22 Vamos TM, Antalya (TU)
125/ 14-16.10.22 Festival Villa Gioia, Albufeira (PT)
TBA/ 12-14.11.2021 La Sorpresa, Nuremberg (DE)

TBC/ 10.2022 Seville TM (ES) (CANCELLED)
124/ 25.09.2022 Matilda Milonga, Reggio d'Emilie (IT)
123/ 16.07.2022 Earth Virtual Milonga, L.A. (US)
TBC/ 14-17.07.2022 Marettimo in tango, Sicily (IT)
123/ 02.07.2022 Le Kiosque, Brussels (BE)
122/ 24-26.06.2022 La Cita de los Amigos, Spa (BE)
121/ 10-12.06.2022 Marathon de Nantes (FR)
120/ 05-08.05.2022 Heidelberg Tango Marathon (DE)
119/ 23.04.2022 Milonga 'aux frontières'MOuscron (BE)
118/ 14-17.04.2022 Farrol TM, Amsterdam (NL)
TBC/ 09.04.2022 La Gioia Romantica TM,Paris
117/ 09-11.03.2022 Encuentro, Karlsruhe (DE)
116/ 1-3.04.2022 Enc.'MimosyTango',Lago di Garda(IT)
115/ 25.03.2022 Milonga 'La Tangueria',Brussels (BE)
114/ 19-20.03.2022 Milonga La Revolucion, Zurich(CH)
113/ 11-13.03.2022 PTM, Milano (IT)
112/ 04-06.03.2022 Sélys Milonguero, Liège (BE)
111/ 25-27.02.2022 Encuentro 'Griseta', Montpellier (FR)
111/ 27.11.2021 Milonga Aux frontières, Mouscron (BE)

112/ 17-19.12.2021 La Cita de los Amigos, Brussels (BE)
113/ 02.01.2022 Tango 11, Amsterdam (BE)
114/ 21-23-01.2022 Marathon de Nantes (FR)
111/ 11-13.02.2022 Le RDZ-VS Milonguero, Bologne (IT)
110/ 21.11.2021 Milonga Eldorado, Humbeek (BE)
109/ 05-07.11.2021 Massilia TM, Marseille (FR)
108 / 24-26.09.2021 Villa Gioia Festival, Albufeira (PT)
107 / 07.08.2021 Virtual Earth Milonga #36 L.A.(USA)
106/ 12.06.2021 Abrazo Belarus virtual from Minsk (BLR)
105/ 10.03.2021 Earth Milonga #25 virtual from Los Angeles (USA)

TBC/ 30.12.2020 TBC Amsterdam (NL)
TBC/ 17.10.2020 Milonga 'La Roca", Amersfoort (NL)
TBC/ ??.11.2020 TBC Paris (FR)
105/ 6-8.11.2020 'La Sorpresa' Nuremberg (DE)
117/ 22-24.10.2020 TangoTage Festival, Halle (DE)
TBC/ 15-19.10.2020 TBC BTF
116/ 09-11.10.2020 Seville TM (ES)
104/ 27.09.2020 Milonga La Tangueria, Brussels (BE)
000/ 31.07.2020 Festival'Par la côte'in Roscoff (FR)
000/ 15-17.05.2020 HDTM Heidelberg Tango Marathon (DE

000/ 08.05.2020 Palace Milonga, Brussels (BE)

000/ 25.04.2020 Milonga La milonguita, Brussels (BE)

000/ 3-5.04.2020 Mimos y Tango, Riva di Garda (IT)

000/ 29.03.2020 'Dubbel Rupel'milonga, Boom (BE)

000/ 08.03.2020
Milonga La Tangueria, Brussels (BE)

103/ 28.02-01.03.2020 Palace Cita, Brussels (BE)
102/ 21-23.02.2020 Ronda Estense Encuentro, Ferrara (IT)
101/ 14-16.02.2020 Griseta encuentro, Montpellier (FR)
100/ 31.01-02.02.2020 Tango di Nieve, Maribor (SLO)%MCEPASTEBIN%
99/ 19.01.2020 Grand Salon Eldorado,Humbeek (BE)
00/ 10.01.2020 Palace Milonga, Bxl (BE)
98/ 03-07.01.2020 Tango Angels TM, Fermo (IT)
97/ 01.01.2020 NY Party Tango 8, Koln (DE)
96/ 27-29.12.2019 Entre Anios TM, Berlin (DE)
95/         29.11-2.12.2019 Maracuentro, Basel(CH)
94/ 07-09.11.2019 Sonando Fall edition, Amsterdam (NL)
93/ 06.10.2019 Milonga La Luna, Antwerp (BE)
92/ 27-29.09.2019 Eroica Marafestival,Torino (IT)
91/ 20.09.2019 Quiero mas! Tours (FR)
90/ 30.08-01-09.2019 In Boscati TM, Rimini (IT)

89/ 23-25.08.2019 Fritkot Tango Marathon, BXL (BE)
88/          11.08.2019         Balloon tango marathon, Monschau (DE)
87/          19-21.07.2019  En tus Ojos Encuentro, Marseille (FR)
86/          22.06.2019         The Brussels Tango Festival (BE)
85/          15.06.2019        La cita de los amigos, Spa (BE)
84/          09.06.2019         Milonga Tangueria, Brussels (BE)
83/ 31.5-02.06.2019 Tango Piccante TM, Praia del mare (IT)
82/ 18.05.2019 Milonga 'La Farmacia', Genève (CH)
81/ 12.05.2019 Paul's birthday milonga, Boom (BE)
80/          3-5.05.2019        Dulce de Lecques, Côte d'Azur (FR)
79/          30.04.2019         Milonga Los locos, amsterdam (NL)
78/         05.04.2019         Milonga Carablanca, London (UK)
77/          31.03.2019         After party Palace cita, Brussels (BE)
76/          24.03.2019        TM Eroïca, Torino,( IT)
75/          16.02.2019         Milonga "La Roca", Amersort (NL)
74/          9-11.02.2019       Encuentro Tango di nieve, Maribor (SLO)
73/          03.02.2019         Milonga La Luna, Antwerpen (BE)
72/          26.01.2019         Gran milonga 'il Fortino', Torino (IT)
71/          19.01.2019         Milonga Tangueria, Brussels (BE)
70/ 06.01.2019 Milonga Tango 8, Koln (DE)
69/ 05.01.2019 Milonga La Pista, Köln (DE)
68/ 01.01.2019 New Year afterparty, Berlin (DE)
67/ 07-09.12.2018 Besos de miel TM, Halle (DE)
66/ 30.11-02.12 Maracuentro, Basel (CH)
65/ 2-4.11.2018 M tango party (DE)
64/ 30.10.2018 Milonga los locos, Amsterdam (NL)
63/ 21.10.2018 Milonga Florida, Paris (FR)
62/ 12-14.10.2018 Maracuentro, Bern (CH)
61/ 30.09.2018 From Russia with Love! Moscow (RU)
60/ 22.09.2018 Onderweg ,Amsterdam, (NL)
59/ 24-26.08.2018 Teodora TM, Ravenna (IT)
58/ 14.08.2018 Los locos, Amsterdam (NL)
57/ 11.08.2018 Big Pop Tango Marathon, Manchester (UK)
56/ 3-6.08.2018 Entre Amigos TM, Warsaw (PL)
55/ 13-15.07.2018 Maracuentro, Basel (CH)
54/ 17.06.2018 La Cita de los Amigos, Spa (BE)
53/ 28-30.05.2018 La Villa Giacomelli (IT)
52/ 12.05.2018 4 saisons, Bevons, (Fr)
51/ 1.05.2018 Floreo, Bxl (BE)
50/ 29.04.2018 Midi-Midi, 24h tango, Paris (FR)
49/ 28.04.2018 Brussels Tango Festival (BE)
48/ 13-15.04.2018 Tango week-end, Frankfurt (DE)
47/ 23-25.03.2018 Maracuentro, Stuttgard (DE)
46/ 2-4.03.2018 Balloon Spring edition, Monschau (DE)
45/ 16.02.2018 Encuentro Griseta, Montpellier, (FR)
44/ 2-4.02.2018 Encuentro Maribor (SL)
43/ 27.03.2018 Duo+J-IBrodesser Maelbeek Brussels (BE)
42/ 20.01.2018 La tangueria, Brussels(BE)
41/ 27.12.2017 Tangotrain, Amsterdam (NL)
40/ 8-10.12.2017 Besos de Miel, Halle (DE)
39/ 3.12.2017 Milonga La Luna, Antwerpen (BE)
38/ 5.11.2017 Tango 8, Köln (DE)
37/ 31.11.2017 Milonga Los Locos, Amsterdam (NL)
36/ 28.10.2017 Duo+J-IBrodesser,Maelbeek Brussels (BE)
35/ 22.10.2017 Milonga La Tangueria, Brussels (BE)
34/ 6-8.10.2017 Belle époque TM, Napoli (IT)
33/ 29.09-01.10.2017 Villa Giacomelli, Pradamano(IT)
32/ 18-20.08.2017 Balloon Tango Marathon, Stuttgard (DE)
31/ 25-27.08.2017 In Boscati, Rimini (IT)
30/ 31.08.2017 Milonga du parc, Brussels (BE)
29/ 11-13.08.2017 Big pop Marathon, Manchester (UK)
28/ 14-16.07.2017 Maracuentro, Basel (CH)
27/ 1.07.2017 The Kiosque, Brussels (BE)
26/ 24.06.2017 Milonga de Gante (BE)
25/ 16-18.06.2017 La Cita de los Amigos, Spa (BE)
24/ 9-10.06.2017 Mirame encuentro, Montpellier (FR)
23/ 25-28.05.2017 Primavera Festivalito in Zurich (CH)
22/ 1.05.2017 Brussels Tango Festival (BE)
21/ 11.04.2017 Los Locos, Amsterdam (NL)
20/ 24.03.2017 Tango 8, Köln (DE)
19/ 17-19.02.2017 GRISETA #5 MONTPELLIER (FR)
18/ 3-5.02.2017 Tango Festival Östersund (SE)
17/ 20.01.2017 Tango 8, Köln (DE)
16/ 25.12.16 DJDuo Jens-Ingo,GranMilonga,Brugge (BE)
15/ 18.12.16 After-Party 'La cita de los Amigos'(BE)
14/ 07.12.16 Milonga Tangobar, Brussels (BE)
13/ 01.11.16 Milonga Los Locos, Amsterdam (NL)
12/ 29.10.16 Tangotage festival,Halle (DE)
11/ 16.10.16 Pop Up milonga in Manchester (UK)
10/ 14.10.16 Isla de Tango Marathon, Landau (DE)
9/ 27.08.16 Milonga Tango Factory, Brussels(BE)
8/ 9.08.16 Balloon Tango Marathon, Stuttgart (DE)
7/ 14.08.16 Milonga Tango8, Köln(DE)
6/ 11.08.16 Milonga in The Park, Brussel (BE)
5/ 03.05.16 milonga "La cellule 133a" Brussels (BE)
4/ 21.05.16 "La Milonguita", Brussels (BE)
3/ 14.05.16 Weekend Maja & Marko, Mattstedt (DE)
2/ 04.05.16 Milonga Tangobar, Brussel (BE)
1/ 30.04.16 Brussels Tango Festival, AfterParty(BE)
0/ 20.12.15 After La Cita de los Amigos, Brussels BE


Please contact me to discuss my availabilities and conditions,  or for any other purpose!

Note that using pictures from this website needs agreement with photografers. Photo credits : Elzbieta Petryka,  Jean-Pierre Van Loocke, Eugen schröder, B. Beauloye.

About our digital transfer of tango repertoire from original shellacs records, have a look here : https://tangotimetravel.be